I have spoke with a few moms that have had the same rough start with Abeka that we initially experienced.  Abeka is an excellent, well written, effective, high standard program.  It can be used in schools, or at home.  The program is very similar to a regular 8-5 school day.  No two children are alike, so learning how to make your curriculum work for you child can be challenging, especially when you like "school" at home, but are aware that it isn't necessarily working for your child. 

Using trial and error, I found a way to use the program in the way it was intended WITHOUT exasperating my child.  I hope if our version looks like it would solve a discouragement in your home, that we will save you the time and heartache of trial and error.  :-)

A little background...  I could put Emily in front of Abeka DVD instruction and she would graduate with honors.  She is easy to teach and doesn't mind to learn information that doesn't necessarily matter to her at this point in her life.  She is like me; she just likes information.  Jbear on the other hand would be perfectly happy to play legos all day everyday.  Now, that doesn't mean his is unintelligent, or doesn't learn.  It just means learning information on a topic not of his choosing is boring to him.  Now, I understand that telling him WHY what he is learning is important.  Gotcha... Got that down...  but that does not increase interest beyond civil behavior.  He is they type of child that has to be tricked into learning with clever ideas, and some fun games.  HA!  To his future wife: trickery is the key!  Works on his dad!  Just kidding :-) 

I think there is this unspoken pressure we put on ourselves to see
immediate results in home educating our children.  People, whether
they admit it or not, are constantly questioning our ability to "pull
off" home educating.  We feel that we have to PROVE ourselves, when
the only One who's approval that believers should seek is our Heavenly
Father.  He formed our children in the womb.  He knows them much
better than we ever will.  If we move at a pace that pleases the Lord...
that should be our plan.  Now, don't put words in God mouth... what he
wants, he says in His Word.  A verse we use often in our home is Ephesians
6:4, Father's don't exasperate your children; instead, bring them up in the
training and instruction of the Lord.  That is why I often use the word
exasperate.  When the Lord laid that passage on my heart, I realized that I
regularly EXASPERATED my children by trying to make them who I wanted them to
be... to prove MY SUCCESS to others.  If they are above Grade level then I
will be ACCEPTED AND APPROVED.  Wow, sounds like a me monster in
there, huh!
Here is what we came up with for our Math time.
In the Teacher's Manual there is suggested time lengths to spend on each topic.  What I found myself doing was continuing on with each topic until it was mastered, DAILY.  A 40 min math instruction became 2 hours, REGULARLY.  Don't do this...  a house isn't built in a day.  It is totally okay to take more than one day to learn the multiples of 4.  This pressure crushed not only their spirit, but mine as well.  By allowing myself to STOP when the allotted time is up regardless if it is mastered, I don't exasperate the kids. 

So, setting limits was our 1st step.  Prompted by how we organize our time in Classical Conversations, I wrote my plan down on the white board.  As we complete each drill, I mark it off.  This helps Jbear to see that THE END IS NEAR!  ha!  He knows that there is a staring point and a stopping point.  He needs this.  Not every child needs this.  This has seriously changed our lives.  It is a way that he can SEE what I expect of him, without needing to be verbally reminded... over, and over, and over. 

Another way we had to adjust Abeka Arithmetic is this:  My children did not learn how to skip count with every number 1-12 during the years they were in public school.  The Abeka program teaches at a young age and assumes that your child can already skip count, thus, mastering multiplication fact VERY SWIFTLY!  With both children, we elected to take a 10 day break from our traditional math to use Math Wrap-Ups to master multiplication facts.  Whether you like it or not, upper level math is much easier if you have basic facts memorized.  Don't be afraid to move away from the Teacher's Manual.  You seriously don't need a manual to teach basic math, it just eliminates having to plan that subject yourself.  I like the prep time that it saves me.

This sheet of paper is the only "calculator" my kids are allowed to use.  Thought I'd throw that in there for anyone who had a mini heart attack when they saw the word calculator on the whiteboard.

I'm not crazy about all the games listed in the Abeka guide.  They seem more group friendly to me.  So, we use flashcards, or write on the whiteboard, or use chalk on the sidewalk.  Manipulatives are always fun, too.  Pinterest always has fun math games.  I don't always use "fun" ways to teach Math, but when we need a fun boost then I do.  I have a friend who's child panics under timed learning.  This method would not be a good idea.  She and I think frequent easy games are a great way to make Math enjoyable.  A game idea we were just kicking around the other day was to use base 10 blocks (ones block, tens block, etc)  to make oral drills more enjoyable. (10+5+23+8=)  Let me stress again... Pinterest has more ideas than you could ever imagine.

For other subjects, here is what I used to review the 8 parts of speech.  I used this in the Classical Conversations class I tutor, too. 

Here is an activity that we used today, and will use again tomorrow.  We reviewed the definition of verbs today and began with Action Verbs.  As we work through each type of verb, the kids will write examples on each paper and give the verb it's name, "linking verb."  My purpose is that they will continually review each type of verb and visually recognize the difference between each one.  All it took was a marker and sheet of paper... easy!  I am sure A.J. will draw all over them, as well!

Hopefully, everyone is finding their groove for this school year.  Use the outdoors to your advantage!  It's Fall soon, start counting leaves.  This Winter, write in the snow with water and food coloring.  Next Spring, teach math facts when you plant your garden.  4 rows times 8 columns equals how many plants...  Next Summer, who knows!?!  Allow yourself to enjoy this time with your children.  If it is exasperating...  reach out to a trusted homeschool friend... bounce ideas off each other... be honest.  The grass is not greener on the other side, you just need to learn how to take care of your own grass. :-)  Once again... I refuse to proofread this and it may be evident...

The kids are in a biography study in their reading program.  I sent Emily, with her dad, to the library to pick up a couple new biographies.  She came home with a Florence Nightingale book and a few others.  I make note of the Nightingale book because she was "the founder of modern nursing".  I was so pleased that she chose that book, because I am a Registered Nurse.  It pleased me because I knew it was an expression of her love to me.  She is such a sweet girl.  When she flipped open the Nightingale book, she flipped out.  "MOM, LOOK AT THIS!", she said.  To our amazement...

I was not only the first person to check out and read that book, but in about a 24 year span we were the ONLY two people that ever to check it out!

I don't remember wanting to be a nurse at the age when I read that book.  I wanted to be a teacher.  Funny!

It made for a great memory!

I haven't posted since last fall... whoops! :D  No excuses, just not feelin' it.  Homeschooling has gone surprisingly well since the Fall.  The workboxes I talked about in an earlier post have been A-M-A-Z-I-N-G!  "When will we be done" is completely gone forever!  Success!!!  My Father's World on the other hand, Fail!  Ha Ha!!  I fretted about that curriculum for way too long.  We are talking over a year!  I tried so hard to make it fit us; why not, so many other families love it.  Well, I have definitely learned my lesson.  It is good to stick with something even through the difficult times, but not when it just isn't working.  I gave myself the best gift a homeschooling mother could give herself...  permission to drop the curriculum.  I sold it on ebay, and never looked back. 
                                                    FREEDOM!! (screamed all braveheart style)
We were already using a different Science program by that time, so I only needed to replace the Geography/History program.  We used Spectrum workbooks from the bookstore for map skills, etc.  It has great graphics and does a nice job of teaching practical skills.  The history portion is written from an evolution/ non biblical standpoint, which is a drawback for us.  So, I chose not to use it for history.  Now, we are on to Early American History using the Beautiful Feet curriculum.  I really like it!  If anyone is looking for a stand-alone history/geography program that is literature based and biblical worldview, then I encourage you to consider Beautiful Feet (bfbooks.com).  I have been able to borrow most of the books from the library.  God is good!  Such a blessing!

This pic is from out last field trip.  It was a Nutrition Fun Bus.

Emy and J have finished up their Science for this year.  They like Science, so it is pretty easy to get them to spend the extra time on it.  Even though I let them choose their Science this year, there is still content in subjects that they probably wouldn't choose that is beneficial to learn.  I love Science but I can honestly say I am dreading Botany and Astronomy.  Just not my idea of awesomeness.  So, to make it as palatable as possible, I had this grand idea to teach Botany in the Spring when God's Creation is on birthing FIRE!!! LOL!  Who, honestly, doesn't want to learn about plants when they are in the new and beautiful stage.  Much better than learning during the winter and pretending to look at green plants!  Well, my good pal was able to loan me Apologia Botany, and I had the bright idea to do another years worth of Science in the next two months!!!!  (those exclamation points are sarcastic ;-))  We learned about Taxonomy and will be diving deep into the classification process.  I realized after the 3rd day that this is going to be too advanced for A.J.  He is resilient and will get to learn it anyway.  Two years ago, I would have cried myself to sleep if he didn't excel at learning plant Latin names the 1st day I taught them.  Now, PRAISE GOD, I have lightened up and know that he will learn as he listens and he will pick up what he is mature enough to pick up.  Seriously,  I haven't used the words - Binomial Nomenclature since high school, and I definitely didn't learn it in third grade.  It isn't worth breaking his spirit to make me feel like I am in control.  AH... GROWING... isn't it nice to be able to look back and see growth! 

 And I am certain that God, who began the good work within you, will continue his work until it is finally finished on the day when Christ Jesus returns. Phillipians 1:6 NLT

Emy at the Nutrition Field Trip
We started a new bible curriculum this Spring!  I absolutely LOVE it!!  It is an Apologetics series by Apologia.  (yep, the science people)  We have started "Who Is God?".   If you like how the Apologia Science books are laid out, you will LOVE this series!  If you would like to take a look at it, just let me know! 
My motive for trying this bible curriculum is this:  My kids have grown up in church.  They are taught by amazing Sunday School teachers, and have had many great devoted teachers in the past.  They know bible stories... they could TEACH bible stories.  They have had plenty of formula... THEY NEED FRUIT AND VEGGIES AND MEAT!!!!  Sadly, they aren't that little anymore.  They need to be presented with why they believe what they believe and decide whether they are going to accept it, or reject it.  That is my personal feelings regarding my own children... I know them, and I know where they are spiritually and for what they are ready.  It has turned out to be excellent.  Such a blessing!  Currently, we are learning about building your house on the sand, or the rock.  Great discussions and food for thought have come from this study of God's Word!  :-)  PTL!!!

J reading in bed.  Night Owl just like me

We went to the Great Homeschool Convention a few weeks ago.  It was sooooo fun!!!!  It was the first time we attended classes.  Before, we would just go for all the vendor booth to look at curriculum we were interested in and ask questions.  We were able to watch Tim Hawkins again.  He is so funny!  A friend of mine, who was attending the conference, and I knew not to sit in the front because Tim will make fun of you if you sit up front.  We learned that the hard way last year.  LOL!!  He was totally making fun of us laughing at him.  He is such a bully. :-) 
    The sessions we sat through were so encouraging.  We learned about Whole-Brain Thinking (Brain in a Bag).  It was so encouraging, believe it or not!  As a mother of a boy, to understand the importance of movement... by a man who trains famous athletes, was empowering.  It makes me wanna shout  "SEE!!! I TOLD YOU!!!!  HE NEEDS TO BOUNCE!!!"  
Ray and I also listened to Andrew Paduwa, who founded the Institute of Excellence in Writing.  I am planning to use his program and so we attended a session called  "so what about Grammar".  My biggest take-homes from this speaker were that it is sooo beneficial to a child to be read to daily at 2 years above grade level to develop their vocabulary for two hours a day.  I'm not gonna lie to you, I don't read to my kids for two hours a day.  But at least now I have a great concept to constantly not live up to and regret for the rest of my life.  HA!  He also recommended Latin.  Reasoning:  it is a dead language that doesn't change.  and I can't remember the other reason but since he is awesome and has award winning awesome writing stuff we are going to learn latin.  Emily is so excited.  She wants to start now.  So like I said, we went to his class addressing when and how to teach grammar.  I am often frustrated and feel pressure to follow the STANDARDS when, sometimes, I think that you really don't need to know what an intransitive verb is until they are more mature... not third grade or fifth grade for that matter.  There is something about maturity that makes learning more complex concepts much easier.  Association, maybe??? I dunno.  Emily has mentally matured quite a bit and I can see that she is growing in her critical thinking, thinking more abstract or whatever.  But I SEE that change and know that she can handle more complex thought.  My younger child is just that... younger.  He isn't there yet, nor should he be force into something God has developed in him yet.  The speaker confirmed my suspicions about teaching things that can't be associated, thankfully!  A.J. must have shouted for joy as I ripped pages from his grammar workbook.  Please don't confuse this with memorization which is beneficial at ANY age!  You can memorize things in a fun way for later use.  I guess you could memorize in a boring way too but who wants that! 
 We were able to go to the Math U See booth and a wonderful lady answered a million questions.  I have desired to use Math U See, but having older children, I just wasn't sure how we could transition from a spiral-based math program to a mastery program.  She was so helpful!  I felt like Ray and I had an Aha Moment by speaking with her.  She gave us so much peace and guidance.  What a blessing was she!!!  So we will be quickly working through the teacher's guides and using the free online worksheet generator to find any loose ends that we may have from not using mastery previously.  Then next year we will be on target! 
  The session I enjoyed the most was called Mary and Martha decide to homeschool: for Marys only, taught by the author of the Mystery of History, a self-proclaimed Mary.  lol!  It was so encouraging.  As I have talked about before, I struggle with organization.  She had so many encouraging ideas.  It was nice to see a room full of women that God made in a similar way that he made me.  Ponytails, late, no pens.  Sometimes not being a Martha make me feel like I'm wrong or bad.  It was refreshing to see that God made the other 50% just like me.  They just don't live where I live.  ha!   Ironically, I totally forgot to order the audio cd of her session before we left. Should have written it down!
  The convention was excellent!  Ray and I had such a nice time!

Lucy our dog "helping" Emily with her lessons...

On a more personal level...  I officially left the workforce completely in December.(except for filling in at the power plant a day or two a year. lol!) Those who know me well know that I really liked my job.  It was a really fulfilling type of job, but it just wasn't what God desired for my life and He wasn't honoring it.  Every dollar I made was labored in vain.  LOL!  That sound super dramatic.  ha!  Something always came up and there was nothing to show for it.  I finally submitted to God in November regarding this situation and it has been smooth sailing ever since.  Being of such little faith...  how embarrassing.  God has provided for ALL our needs and lots of wants, too.  What a merciful God is He!! 

Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they? Matthew 6:26 NIV
So, overall, this has been a great school year!  I have made so many new friends this year.  Nothing is more amazing that hearing how God is working in others lives and seeing that He is a God that loves his children.  It has been a huge blessing.  I am so thankful that God called us to homeschooling.  I know that it is a privilege.  But most importantly, I have learned that when God calls you to something, he will see it through... for real... He really does that...   Awesome <3 

I will lead blind Israel down a new path, guiding them along an unfamiliar way. I will brighten the darkness before them and smooth out the road ahead of them. Yes, I will indeed do these things; I will not forsake them. Isaiah 42:16 NLT  (hopefully I didn't inaccurately take this out of context :-O )

Only proofread once... ;-)
We are about to wrap up our 1st quarter! Yay!!  I am planning to take a 1 week break between each quarter.  We have made a few changes over this 9 weeks.  Frustrated over my inability to teach organizational skills when I don't actually have any, led me to a container for assignments.  It will help foster independence as well.  I was hesitant to post anything about this method until we had tried it for several weeks.  It has been a huge blessing.  It has OFFICIALLY ENDED the "how much longer, are we almost done" questions!!!   (screams of happiness)  Here is the brief version:  1 container is filled with hanging file folders.  I have numbered each folder with fun paper to keep them in order.  I think I have 7 or 10 (im too lazy to walk over there and look) folders for each kid but the amount is only because that is the amount I had on hand at the time.  When I need more folders, I just combine assignments in a folder.  So, each folder has 1 lesson, or assignment, or worksheet, or set of flashcards, or book, etc. placed inside.  I ask the kids to go through them in the order I put them in the container.  I do that because I alternate a more difficult activity with an easier activity.  For online activities, I printed out directions on a piece of paper and glued it to cute cardstock. For example, "please bring this to mom to complete the typing assignment online" is printed on paper.  I do this since we all share the laptop.  They do as much independent work as they can (handwriting, flashcards) and I work with each child when appropriate.  It was suggested to put breaks in a folder too so to have schedule breaks but I need to buy more folders before I can do that.  We just take breaks when convenient for now.  They usually happen when I need to work quietly with the other child.  The 2nd container is left empty to hold finished assignments.  A.J. dumps all his finished work in his empty container, which is acceptable by me.  Emily just places hers back in her folders.

We are using the white board WAY more this year.  It makes us all happy.  We have actually rearrange the office/school room to accommodate White Boarding.  Here is a photo of my sharing MY white board with A.J.

I still love SPELLING POWER with all my heart.  This evening I was trying to decide what I could use for the tactile reinforcement other that the beach sand we are currently using because it is so messy.  I prayed over it and felt like I need to just no spend anymore money and make do with what we had.  Then the Lord led me to use this as a way to teach the kids to clean up after themselves with a duster.  I printed out directions and placed a duster on top of it.  I'll post a pic below of it.  That will show the rearrange room.  Here is a pic of Emy wearing her Little Purple Riding Hood sweater while taking a spelling test.  She received it for her birthday from Ray's parents.  She LOVES it.

The basket on the left side is where we keep mittens and hats in the winter and swimming items in the summer.  The colorful box on top is the reward box.  It contains small items such as pencils, erasers, cheap coloring books etc.  Most recently added are coupon type items like 30 min of iPod time or computer game time.  The kids are cut off from the iPods until they memorize their math facts.  It just got really serious around here ;)

Lately, crafts around here have been of the outdoorsy nature.  No pun intended.  They did soap carving last week, pumpkin carving this week.  Here is a picture of a Buckeye necklace Emily, Ray, and A.J. made today for a family member that is ill.  Ray said Buckeyes bring good luck.  They had about 50 Buckeyes and I mention that they ought to make something for this particular family member for good luck.  You should have seen their eyes light up.  Anything that involves dangerous tools and things found in the woods is right up their alley! ha!

The beautiful late summer, early fall weather opened the door for LOTS of nature walks.  I have mainly delegated these activities for when I am working.  I can't keep my Hostess Cupcake figure if I exercise all the time.

So that is pretty much a wrap.  We have been moving steadily through the school work.  I still don't love My Father's World but have finally come to a routine with it that seems to work better for us.  Less daily work and more chunk work... does that make sense??  Abeka Math seems to be going good this year.  Language Lessons has actually been quite fun, however, I added a grammer workbook, "The Complete Book of Grammar and Punctuation," for A.J. to tie up some loose ends.  So, the rest of this post has a disclaimer.  Do not read if you don't have your big girl panties on.  It isn't pretty.

Down to the dirty
I've been waiting to post for several weeks because I have had a bad attitude toward homeschooling.  Many days have gone by that I wished we never homeschooled.  Even typing this makes my guts hurt in horror that I could say such a thing, but had I posted even a week ago it would have been full of artificial jabber or raw emotion that questioned all my homeschooling motives.  Just being real here.  It seems to have resolved, so I feel safe posting.  Some back story on my not-so-normal vow of silence...  The summer after our 1st couple months of homeschooing, I told a woman (in front of her homeschool child) that we were putting the kids back in public school, and homeschooling just wasn't for us.  The next time I saw her SEVERAL weeks later... we were homeschooling and she had put her child in public school.  I am well aware that her decision had absolutely nothing to do with me, she probably didn't even remember my name, but I still regret saying that to this day.  I remember the look in that girls eyes.  I learned from that situation to keep my mouth shut to homeschooling acquaintances when I am going through a "give up" season because it doesn't always last and is, in my situation, sometimes related to disobedience and lack of faith.  We all have "go-to" people.  They don't have to be homeschoolers.  Go to those people 1st and check your motives.  I have a friend that has older children and even though we have chosen different educational routes, she has encouraged me on several occasions.  I respect and appreciate learning from her life experiences.
Anyhow, God has been close by at every moment of this season of my homeschooling journey.  Not so much by the carrying seen in the famoun Footsteps in the Sand picture but probably more like dragging a cat to the bathtub or trying to kennel a Velociraptor (see above photo).  Just kidding.  God has been comforting and gentle.  By that, I am led to believe that He is teaching Endurance.  I was under the impression that I was the teacher.  Apparently, Not :)  I am thankful for God being patient with me.  I have a lot to learn.  We have had some great experiences in this 1st quarter.  I learned a lot about self-discipline, even when I want to give up.  I learned to be willing to see the gray, because not everything is black or white.  God is always there, you have to chose to listen.
I also chose not to proofread, but go to bed instead ;) HA!

We have successfully completed our 1st two days of planned learning.  Planned learning is now my new favorite word.  I have grown tired of my overuse of the word homeschool.

I feel that we are off to a better start than we were last year.  If things didn't go as planned or the kids weren't understanding, I would get low grade frustrated.  Nothing crazy, just sighs and eye rolling.  I told Ray that I needed him to pray along with me.  (which he has been fervently praying)  God has delivered!  Our attitudes are much better!  I want to share an excerpt from a book God used to reveal to me an area that I was not up to par in. 

It's so hard to see our pride sometimes - especially when we sacrifice so much for our families, and our goals are for their own good.  Look a little deeper, however, and see if there are some mixed motives driving you.

During your school day when you react impatiently toward your kids, ask yourself why.  Whose agenda was interrupted?  Who was offended?  Whose time was encroached upon?  Whose tranquility was shattered?  Whose goals weren't reached?  Whose schedule was derailed?  Whose expectations weren't met?  Have you ever thought,  "I'm sick of their attitudes and waste of time.  I have better things to do with my time!"  Let me ask:  can you think of a higher, holier calling or a better way to steward 'your' time than to joyfully and patiently train your children?

       -take from Homeschool Supermom ...Not! by Susan Kemmerer p.36

I realized that I had all these set plans and ideas of how school was going to be and look and feel.  When these plans were thwarted, I became frustrated.  Through my frustration, I somehow amazingly made my kids and my homeschool life miserable.  Good thing I read that chapter last week, huh!!  I'm going to blame it on God's perfect timing. :)  So, to keep it short, I am holding my attitude accountable instead of excusing it on unruly children.  Then we all can REACT less.  I am thankful that I realized I was fueling the problem before getting fed up and placing them back in public school.  Just being real here.

Again, we are using My Father's World - Exploring Countries and Cultures.  I think the only area we deviate from that plan is that we continue to use Abeka math.  We use lots of supplemental type materials, but I will cover these as the year goes on.  (example: etiquette factory, lifepac drawing basics, a reason for handwriting, Sonlight readers for reading comprehension, stossel in the classroom, learning our history, etc)

We have been super flexible in our time schedule because I totally forgot I was providing childcare for the neighbor girl this week.  Normally, we would be learning in the morning but the girls are outside playing.  Yesterday, we did social studies and science before bed.

I went ahead and printed out the DAILY LESSON PLAN from Homeschool tracker basic.  I intended to just use the daily plan as a cheat sheet on Monday but quickly realized I like using it VERY much!  So, I am going to use them regularly so that I am less tied to the computer schedule for guidance.  I placed them in a handy dandy notebook, separated by child.  Not recording the work complete that day will require me to make an extra step for each lesson to enter the correct completion date rather than it automatically entering the current date.  So, I will need to be diligent if I want to avoid that inconvenience.

Another tidbit I wanted to share is that I save all the workbook material the kids complete until the end of the year.  I put them in binders and separate them by subject.  At the end of the year, I will decide what I want to keep permanently and discard the remainder.

I keep records in totes that have the scope and sequence, worksheets, any tests given, etc. for previous school years.

Here is where and how I keep my paper records.  Since I use a laptop I don't need to use this area for the CPU.  The folders you see on the top shelf are just a ton of extras.  I always buy folders and I NEVER use them.  As I have said before, I keep ALL my records online.  That make printing transcripts so much easier!  Homeschool Tracker Basic is my application of choice.

I don't by any means mean to imply that my way is the only way to organize.  This is just what works for me.  I work with the resources that I have and are within my budget.

This is how I organize my curriculum.  It is separated by subject.  It is only the bottom 3 shelves.  Science is in the black magazine holder to the right.  Math manipulatives and writing instruments are in the tote to the left.  We use different bookshelves for the books we read.  However, now that I live in town and interlibrary loan exists, I am trying to borrow more, purchase less, and give away books we no longer read.  I did force myself to get rid of all the unused curriculum from last year that I will not use this year.  "What if...", says the borderline hoarder.  Just keepin it real.

And Last But Not Least -
I want to show A.J.'s beautiful artwork!

I am getting closer to the finish line!  The finish line this time happens to be the beginning of our school year.  I am still trying to work out the kinks!  I have learned quite a few things that I want to do differently this year.  I covered a vacation at work last week and part of this week, so I have a lot done at home in preparation for our 1st week but I haven't had time to post about it.

So here is what I have been doing for this year:

Last year I tried an electronic planner, half way into the year, because I wouldn't keep up with my written planner and it was tedious when I had to do massive amounts at once.  My friend, A, uses a handwritten planner and it looks amazing.  I tried to mimic her but I just couldn't handle it not looking picture perfect.  OCD??  So in July, I subscribed to the Well Planned Day Digital Planner.  I ended up not like it and have since cancelled, and received my refund.  This planner is beautiful and seems user friendly and would be great for someone that would like to organize the whole household online.  I don't want to organize my whole life online and it felt congested with all the other options and I felt obligated to use them since I paid for this digital planner.  I have since went with the FREE VERSION of Homeschool Tracker that my friend, and experienced hs mom suggested.  I am very pleased, but I feel the program would be frustrating if you don't know how to use generic computer programs.  I do wish it had an app that I could update on my phone because we often go places to learn and then I could document immediately instead of 8 months later when I can't even remember where we went.  The online version can be easily accessed but I want to try to document for free.  It's not the end of the world... I know.  I used Sked-Trak last year but it was even a little too dinosaur tech to me.

Curriculum Organization Changes I've Made
I've been working on getting rid of the last of the old curriculum and organizing the current curriculum.  I tend to want to hoard it, so I'd better get rid of it while I'm in the mood. LOL!  I sold some on ebay.  The rest I am going to just give away or take to the thrift store.  I purchased a label maker this spring and it has made organizing more enjoyable.  ha ha!  I even labeled it. (i have arrived, huh)  I've gone a little overboard, but, whatever!  Last year, our 1st full year, it was almost like I was in survival mode.  I didn't give the kids as much responsibility as I should have.  Because of the lack of responsibility, the school room/office was always disorganized.  That disorganization cause frustration and confusion and I honestly feel that if I repeat that behavior I am setting us up for failure.  So, I have put labels (cha ching) on the bookshelf and I will allow the kids to properly manage their workbooks.  I also used binder clips on consumable workbooks by terms.  Last year we did 2 semesters.  That was a bad idea.  It made any goal we had unattainable and non existent!  Rather that looking at a workbook and seeing that we only have 5 pages each week, it was more like seeing that we had 157 lessons left.  It was SO discouraging. :(  To correct this behavior we are going to have 4- 9 week terms.  It was quite encouraging to see the curriculum in more bite size pieces.  Plus it took off the pressure to have "every lesson ever" already typed into my planner.  OCD again.  I did the 1st 9 weeks.  Once we have completed those assignment, hopefully by the planned date, then I will take a FREE day and do the next 9 weeks.

Reality... the good with the bad
This is the time of year that I always want to give up on homeschooling.(obviously years 1-3 I did since they attended pub school)  It starts the last few weeks of July and last... well, I can't remember how long it lasts.  I feel really good today so maybe it lasts until today.  LOL!  I see everybody else signing up their kids for public school and I want to bail on mine, too.  I am just being real here.  My job (I'm a registered nurse and I work in a doctor's office) is rewarding.  Who doesn't like short term gratification?  Instantly helping 200 appreciative people a day is a lot different than your child challenging you when you sacrifice everything for them.  It seems like it would be just so much easier to let someone else educate my kids and then I can do what I want and I can make a bunch of money and buy whatever I want.  (I hope that sounds to you as selfish and disgusting as it does to me).  Honestly, experience and devotion are the only things that get me through this time.  I am a believer in Jesus and only though blessings from Him does it come easy.  During depression cycles I just pray and wait on the Lord to deliver me.  He always does!  (when I speak about depression cycle this is what i am referring to--  I am super social and used to working so when it is school time, I have a hard time adjusting to being home alone all the time.  Through lots of prayer and analyzing I came to the realization that the reason I get this way is because when I am home there isn't a routine and preset expectations so basically... I'M BORED.  This totally clicked to me last Sunday during the pastor's sermon when he was taking about how his dad retired but after 6 months he got a job because he needed something to do.  It totally paralleled.  I just need something to look forward to... goals basically.)

Survival ;)
It is imperative for your spouse to be 100% on board.  Proceed with caution if this is not the case.  I have the most supportive husband in the world and I still have the throw in the towel days.  Also,  start the year with a great attitude.  If you are excited then they will be excited.  If you aren't feeling it then really really really seek out God.  He is sufficient :)  and He loves you and is not going to leave you in the cold.  If he is delaying then ask Him to show you why.  Refocus and think for eternity and not for this short life.  And finally,  have firm in your mind the reasons you want to homeschool.  When you know WHY you are doing it then it makes the job that much easier!  God will supply everything you need. :)  He promises :)  What you need isn't necessarily material.  Let God give you wisdom.  Find it in His Word <3
Wisdom’s Rebuke
20 Out in the open wisdom calls aloud,
    she raises her voice in the public square;
21 on top of the wall she cries out,
    at the city gate she makes her speech:

22 “How long will you who are simple love your simple ways?
    How long will mockers delight in mockery
    and fools hate knowledge?
23 Repent at my rebuke!
    Then I will pour out my thoughts to you,
    I will make known to you my teachings.
24 But since you refuse to listen when I call
    and no one pays attention when I stretch out my hand,
25 since you disregard all my advice
    and do not accept my rebuke,
26 I in turn will laugh when disaster strikes you;
    I will mock when calamity overtakes you --
27 when calamity overtakes you like a storm,
    when disaster sweeps over you like a whirlwind,
    when distress and trouble overwhelm you.

28 “Then they will call to me but I will not answer;
    they will look for me but will not find me,
29 since they hated knowledge
    and did not choose to fear the Lord.
30 Since they would not accept my advice
    and spurned my rebuke,
31 they will eat the fruit of their ways
    and be filled with the fruit of their schemes.
32 For the waywardness of the simple will kill them,
    and the complacency of fools will destroy them;
33 but whoever listens to me will live in safety
    and be at ease, without fear of harm.”
Proverbs 1_
We visited the St. Louis Zoo this past week. I didn't realize how busy it was going to be on a weekday. Arg! We didn't spend much time at the park but we did see the sting ray exhibit. I recommend visiting this exhibit!!! It was $3 a person to enter and food was $1 for two pieces of food. (no requirement to purchase food). The sting rays were slippery! Here is a video of AJ learning how to feed the fish and attempting to feed them. Poor video quality but you get what you get :).

ECIHEN is one of the homeschool groups to which we belong.  It is once again time to register for the 2012-13 School year!  The cost is $15 per year.   ECIHEN 

taken from the website:
ECIHEN is a membership organization for safety and privacy reason. Membership is just $15 per school year.  This includes:

    * 17% discount when joining the Home School Legal Defense Association

    * The ability to read and add posts to forums on the ECIHEN website

    *  Participation in ECIHEN field trips, special events and workshops

    *  Access to the full calendar of ECIHEN and other Homeschool Events

    *  Exclusive weekly email

    *  Pictorial online members’ directory

    *  Fellowship and support with other home schooling families

It has been well worth the small fee.  The link for the site is below.  This is a new site and I really like it.  LOL!    Please pass this link along to anyone who may be interested.  Special Note to my Jasper Co. pals:  If you ever attend the field trips we can meet in greenup and carpool.
I found a great blog!  I was surfing around on www.homeschoolconvention.com.  Via the Homeschool 101 section, I found The Homeschool Classroom.  They have a great article, "10 Tips for New Homeschooling Families". 

I hope everyone had a nice July 4th!  I am thankful to all the men and women that serve or have served our country.  You are greatly appreciated by the Blair Family!

I would like the kids to become more independent with school work during the upcoming school year.  I think using their very own planner would be a fun way to encourage this behavior.  I've looked around for a student planner but none focus on what I would like them to.  So, I decided to make a kid-friendly version of my curriculum schedule.  I am super excited about them!  I photocopied the Week Overview of each unit from my teachers guide. (My Father's World -Exploring Countries and Cultures)  Each assignment/subject has a handy check mark box that will work perfectly and enable the kids to keep track of their daily accomplishments.  I can add in the English and Math assignments.  The kids picked out the paper!  It is a light card-stock weight.  The binders are 1inch- 3 ring binders.  Each country is separated by color.  I didn't have enough colors for every country so I rotated through the colors.  I plan to save these planners and store them with our records at the end of the year.